
Systems Transformation for Sustained Improvement

For over 26 years, Orenda Education has transformed educational systems in the most vulnerable districts in California. Our mission is to ensure that all students receive a premium education that is TRUE, RIGHT, and JUST! We achieve this by partnering with district and school teams to build and refine systems and practices that are grounded in equity, driven by data, and sustained through collaborative learning. Our nested system is designed to support all levels of district staff from the board room to the classroom. With our guidance, every one of our partners has had transformational school-wide student outcomes.

The Challenge

Every year, 2 million of California’s 6 million students are not qualified for college upon graduating high school. For decades, the gap between white students and our most vulnerable student populations has persisted. As a result of the pandemic the gap has increased.

Equity Gap >> Achievement Gap

The root cause of the achievement gap, the disparity in academic performance between different student populations. It is not simply that the same groups of students happen to perform better or worse every year. When we peel back the layers of the systems and practices of districts and schools, we see that some student populations are better set up to succeed while failure is normalized for other student populations, which points to an equity gap.

The Orenda Difference >> Educational Equity For All Students

For over 26 years, Orenda Education has transformed educational systems in the most vulnerable districts in California. Our mission is to ensure that all students receive a premium education that is TRUE, RIGHT, and JUST!

We achieve this by partnering with district and school teams to build and refine systems and practices that are grounded in equity, driven by data, and sustained through collaborative learning. Our nested system is designed to support all levels of district staff from the board room to the classroom. With our guidance, every one of our partners has had transformational school-wide student outcomes.

Lynwood Unified School District
All High Schools
Whittier Union High School District
All High Schools
East Whittier City School District
All Elementary and Middle Schools
College Readiness Outcomes Percent of Students Above Proficiency Percent of Students Above Proficiency
Graduation Rate Dropout Rate English Math English Math

Percent of Students Above Proficiency Percent of Students Above Proficiency

Los Angeles Unified School District
Hoover Street Elementary School
English graph Math graph
English Math


(n.) [Iroquoian]. The power of human will to improve our lives and to change the world.